
Rev. Ron Rafferty, Pastor

Pastor Rafferty serves Our Redeemer in a variety of pastoral roles, including preaching and teaching, counseling, discipleship. Pastor shows genuine concern and compassion for the congregation and the community and is very approachable.. He has served congregations throughout the states.  His professional back ground includes a degree in Management, and Pastoral training at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.  Please feel free to come and hear Pastor preach as he shares God's Word in a very practical down to earth way.  God Bless! 

 Sunday  worship services - 10:45 a.m.    Adult S.S. lessons at 9:30 a.m. in the metal bldg. next to the church.

Starting November 17th and continuing for 6 weeks, we will have Max Lucado return with his powerful, inspirational, and informative messages about Advent and Christmas. This is a series that everyone should see.                                                        First Episode is GREAT EXPECTATION.                                                                                                                                              Second Episode is entitled HOPE                                                                                                                                                          Episode 3 is entitled LOVE                                                                                                                                                                    Episode 4 is JOY                                                                                                                                                                                    Episode 5 is PEACE                                                                                                                                                                                Episode 6 is JESUS CHRIST, the light of the World                                                                                                                            Take time for Jesus.  Jesus continues to come to you and offer his love, acceptance,belonging, and peace.                           Would you take time to rest in HIM and let HIM hear from your HEART?  






























Jesus is asking you today.... How big is your frying pan?

Serving Christ Jesus and His Church,                                                                                                                                            Pastor


































































































































  • New Adult Sunday School Series!

    Starting August 18th, the adult Sunday Schol class will begin a new 6 week series concerning God's Kingdom! Every video is presented by Drs. of Theology. 

    1st week -  The Coming of the Kingdom 

    2nd week - The Grace of the Kingdom

    3rd week - The God of the Kingdom 

    4th week - The Demand of the Kingdom

    5th week - The Mission of the Kingdom

    6th week - The Fullfillment of the Kingdom

  • Adult S.S. update.

  • Food for Thought

    Check out "Food for Thought" under the News and Events.  A great article titled "It's a Small World After All" is featured right now! 


  • New Adult Sunday School!

    We have had so many great Adult S.S. experiences.  You will be amazed!  Try it out. 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning in the metal building east of the church.

  • Food Pantry

    We will have a food drive on the 5th Sunday of qualifying months.  We are dedicated to help the Cushing Food Pantry supply much needed food for anyone in need. Your donations of nonperishable food items may also be brought any Sunday you wish.

  • Did You Know:

    Having faith and being a Christian doesn't mean we will never make mistakes. It means that through our mistakes, we experience God's grace and mercy, which are ours in Christ. This week, look for opportunities to practice mercy, grace, and forgiveness in your family.

  • View All Announcements
Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
February 17, 2025
February 16, 2025
Verse of the Day