New Adult Sunday School Series!
The adult Sunday School class has been a great success. We watch great videos presented by Drs. of Theology, We learn biblical truths, much history, and LOTS of intersting facts. Also refreshments!
Adult S.S. update.
Food for Thought
Check out "Food for Thought" under the News and Events. A great article titled "It's a Small World After All" is featured right now!
New Adult Sunday School!
We have had so many great Adult S.S. experiences. You will be amazed! Try it out. 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning in the metal building east of the church.
Food Pantry
We will have a food drive on the 5th Sunday of qualifying months. We are dedicated to help the Cushing Food Pantry supply much needed food for anyone in need. Your donations of nonperishable food items may also be brought any Sunday you wish.
Did You Know:
Having faith and being a Christian doesn't mean we will never make mistakes. It means that through our mistakes, we experience God's grace and mercy, which are ours in Christ. This week, look for opportunities to practice mercy, grace, and forgiveness in your family.
Excerpt from Portals of Prayer
True joy continues even when daily happenings don't justify it. Happiness is a mood. Joyfulness is a state of being. It's what we as Christians hope nonbelievers see in us every time they meet us. It's the ultimate "we know something they don't" situation. We haven't just heard the Gospel. We know it to be true. That knowledge changes everything for us and in us. We are not alone in this world, without meaning. We're here for a purpose. We're here to love and be loved by God and to love our neighbors. We're here to share the joy that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose from the grave for all people of all nations. This earthly life is no longer all we have, for once this life ends, eternity awaits. And for each person who believes that Gospel, the angels in heaven rejoice!